Coaching model
The Copilot’In coaching model is an innovative solution enabling leaders to drive their teams to success.
How do we create the conditions for success?
Copilot’in fundamentals
This model stems from three main resources:
- The latest discoveries in neuroscience
- Thirty years experience in consulting, with over 500 companies
- Studies carried out in various companies on high-performance teams
We have pooled our knowledge and expertise to serve an effecient and unique coaching model.
Our working methods
The coaching model proposed can be done both on face to face basis and on distant approach. The percentage of one or the other is flexible adapting to your needs and your agenda.

Person commitment
It is critical to involve the whole person and to ensure alignment of: the MIND, the MENTAL, the BODY and the HEART of each collaborator. This is how we get the best performance from a team.
The MIND because it gives meaning to my actions
The MENTAL the seat of competences, aptitudes and creativity to grow and succeed
The HEART because it motivates my wish to act … or not
The BODY because it performs all the actions … just like typing on the keyboard as I’m doing right now

The outcomes of the Copilot’in model
As soon as the Copilot’In coaching model is implemented within a team, we obeserve an overall positive impact on its functioning, its results and its different palyers.


Achievement of objectives


Impact on the CEO
One of the first persons impacted is the CEO who feels that ther is more cohesion among his employees. That everyone is in the same boat moving towards a common goal: the success of the company’s project. The CEO better knows each of his employees and understands their constraints. The objectives are achieved and well-being fully exist in the company.
Which CEO, especially SMEs / VSEs, has not dreamed of seeing his teams get organized amongst themselves, set up and follow up on major projects, lead work meetings, regularly monitor the company’s KPIs and make decisions to achieve the goals? COPILOT’IN did it and the dream became reality …
Impact on the managers
Managers are now more confident about their teams, they are less solicited and are more productive in their personal tasks. Thus, they take more pleasure in managing. This leads to the achievement of the objectives of their team’s as weel as of theirs!
First, we were given a different framework and vision. Then, most importantly, was the implementation of this vision: on the biggest difference was in the execution. I would recommend COPILOT’IN to managers because they will see results, even results that we do not even dream of!
Impact on teams
Teams are the hard core of any business, the key element. The Copilot’In coaching model has a visible impact on them. We have observed that after our sessions they have a better understanding on their role and see clearly what their objectives are. Thus, they are more motivated to achieve them. Teams also feel that their opinions and feelings are better considered by their manager and the company’s management.
Impact on each employee
Employees are further involved and more easily achieve their goals. Everyone has a better understanding of the challenges and constraints of their colleagues thanks to a better flow of information. They also say they are more united with their colleagues. Employees are less stressed and better at their jobs.